
I am a computer science graduate who recently completed an 8 month software developer co-op at Kinaxis, where I developed creative software solutions to business problems. I have been programming for over four years, and I am continuously learning new languages and platforms to enhance my ability to design robust solutions.
I hold a Master's degree in Archaeology from University of Montreal and a BA in Anthropology from McGill University. During my Master's degree, I learned R to visualize the geochemical composition of artifacts, and was hooked. Though I completed two years of graduate work at the PhD level, I soon realized that programming provided both the creative outlet and the challenge I had been looking for. I completed University of Helsinki's two-part Java online course, which provided a solid foundation in object-oriented design, then pursued my interest by completing Algonquin College's intensive 2-year Computer Programming program.
In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, playing guitar, or picking up a good book. My greatest joy comes from learning—I am always trying to teach myself something new, be it related to programming or otherwise. Since September 2022, I have been teaching myself how to play electric guitar, seeing incremental progress as my knowledge and skills develop. My interest in pedals and creating interesting sounds has left me wanting to develop something of my own, and I aim to create a custom pedal using a Teensy microcontroller + Arduino/C++ or a PedalSHIELD UNO.