
A Payment Gateway for the Knowledge Network
In the Kinaxis Knowledge Network, clients needed to register and purchase RapidResponse training courses without directly interfacing with the Continuous Learning Services team or the Finance team. I developed a payment gateway using the MVC pattern and a combination of Salesforce Apex, a language with strong syntactical similarities to Java, JavaScript, Aura components, and a payment API. Over the course of this capstone project's duration, I collaborated with multiple departments to ensure I met their needs and functional requirements, conducted extensive debugging, and modified the UI to create an intuitive user experience.
The Fitness Tracker
Kinaxis developed fitness challenges to encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyles. Activities were originally tracked by regularly monitoring the Kinaxis Strava Club and storing the data in an Excel file. However, this process required significant manual effort and monopolized valuable resources. To fix this issue, I designed and developed a web application that communicated with the Strava API. The application automated the data collection process and ensured and that the data was both queriable and reliably stored in a relational database.
The project consisted of three major components: a C# .NET front-end website, a SQL Server database consisting of four entities, and a Python program that communicated between the Strava API and the database. The front-end website allowed users to sign in through Strava's OAuth2 page and grant us permission to access their activity data. A Python script connected to the MS SQL Server database could then request updated information from the API and retrieve the most recent activity data. In collaboration with our data team, a PowerBI report was created to visualize the data and communicate updated results.
Automating workflows with Groovy
The Kinaxis engineering teams use Jira to track their work. However, the out-of-the-box functionality offered by Jira is limited. Our teams wanted to spend their time developing—not copying sub-tasks into cloned Issues. Following regular discussions with project managers or business analysts to understand the underlying problem and their request's scope, I developed custom automated rules using Groovy and ScriptRunner. Writing over a dozen Groovy automation rules effectively transfered hundreds of yearly hours from workflow management to active development by minimizing the amount of manual input required from developers when transitioning, moving, or updating their tasks.