
Designed and developed a flexible web catalogue prototype using Python, Flask, and MongoDB. Users can create new items, view items, and leave reviews.

A C++ program running in the command line
Created an interactive CLI program in C++ allowing for the retrieval, manipulation, and storage of CSV data.

Using the Google Books API, Java, and a SQLite database, I created an Android mobile application to find, save, and rate books for personal use.

Combining a SQLite database, Java, and the CocktailDB API, I developed an Android application allowing users to look up and store their favourite cocktail recipes.

A Unifield Modeling Language diagram with three classes linked by arrows to display their relationship.
Developed a CRUD birdwatching website to allow local birdwatchers to photograph and save their sightings to a SQL database.

An Entity Relationship Diagram composed of eight entities linked by Crows Foot notation arrows to display their relationship.
Created a relational database relating American national parks, trails, states, departments, and local species. The purpose was to create a database for nature enthusiasts, whether they wished to observe a certain species, find available trails in their state, or even combine those criteria.

A screenshot of the University of Helsinki's Java massive open online course's front page
The University of Helsinki's Java MOOC was my first foray into object-oriented programming. I completed the two-part MOOC at the same time as my PhD coursework, and loved it so much that I left my PhD to pursue software development.

A screenshot of Chloe Lee-Hone Code Wars statistics
I regularly exercise my problem solving skills in Codewars, placing me in the top 6.7% of all users on the site. These problems encourage outside-of-the-box thinking and, once a solution is found, allow me to exercise my refactoring skills.